Open Source Mechanical Projects

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  1. Open Source Mechanical Projects Technology

LibreCAD is an open-source cross-platform 2D CAD program, which is translated in over 30 languages. LibreCAD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

= open engineering resources

  1. Our mechanical engineering project kits help developers, students build efficient mechanical engineering projects using efficient design technology. Also some kits are used by students in adding functionality to their existing final year mechanical projects or making new systems using our mechanical kits.
  2. The change in number of contributors is versus 2016 KDnuggets Post on Top 20 Python Machine Learning Open Source Projects. We hope you enjoy going through the documentation pages of each of these to start collaborating and learning the ways of Machine Learning using Python.

  • 4Directory

'Learning from the GNU open-source model for computer software and adapting that open source model for engineering design.

Open handed, shared freely, published rather than patented, empowering rather than controlling.

With the hope that by opening the gates of knowledge, fewer communities will resort to building untested technologies that all too often become the white elephants that litter the landscape in the Global South.'


'The Agua Clara team is committed to creating open source design tools that will make it possible for engineers in the Global South to build municipal scale drinking water treatment plants. This engineering design service is available on our website. We are committed to providing this design service free of charge. It is our hope that Implementation Partners will be able to use our Design service to leverage increased funding for improving drinking water infrastructure in the Global South.'( 'is an open source engineering portal, your one-stop shop for news, links (below), other resources, and profiles of open source engineering software. It also hosts package repositories for running some software on Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' and Debian 5.0 'Lenny'.'

See also the site [1], maker of the Open Source Velomobile called Atomic Duck

Engineering-focused Linux distributions

  • CAELinux live DVD based on PCLinuxOS, see [profiles/CAELinux.html profile] for details
  • DebianScience 'pure blend' of Debian GNU/Linux focuses on packaging useful scientific software for Debian
  • Scibuntu is a set of scripts for adding scientific software to an Ubuntu workstation
  • Scubuntu is a project of the Meraka Institute of South Africa, its goal is to provide support for scientific computation on the Ubuntu platform 'in a naturally embedded manner'

Cod 4 picture.

Partial Differential Equation (PDE) Solvers

General Finite Element Analysis (FEA)


Code-Aster ([profiles/aster.html profile])

Structural and thermomechanical software (en français)Electricité de FranceGPL

Elmer ([profiles/Elmer.html profile])

FEA Software for Multiphysics ProblemsGPL
CalculiXThree-Dimensional Structural Finite Element ProgramGPL

Finite element software family, including FFW (FreeFEM on the Web)

ImpactExplicit dynamic finite element programSeveralGPL

deal.II ([profiles/deal.II.html profile])

C++ library for solving PDEs using adaptive FEA
NGSolveGeneral purpose heat, magnetic and elasticity 3-D solverLGPL
XmdSExtensible multi-dimensional simulatorGPL
GetDPGeneralized environment for treatment of discrete problemsGPL
TOCHNOGFree finite element programDennis RoddemanGPL
FEniCSAutomated ODE/PDE solverFEniCS groupGPL+LGPL
DOLFINC++/Python interface to FEniCSFEniCS groupGPL

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
OpenFOAMGeneral CFD toolbox with pre-processorGPL
OpenFlowerCFD solver focused on turbulent unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equationsGPL
GerrisVariable density incompressible Navier-Stokes, Stokes or Euler solver with adaptive mesh refinementNew Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric ResearchGPL
Code_SaturneGeneral purpose CFD softwareElectricité de FranceGPL

libMesh ([profiles/libMesh.html profile])

C++ FEA library with adaptive mesh refinement based on PETSc

University of Texas at Austin CFDLab

DUNSDiagonalized Upwind Navier Stokes CodePennsylvania State UniversityGPL
SLFCFDSan Le's Free Computational Fluid DynamicsGPL

General multi-physics FEM package based on PETSc

TYPHONDevelopment platform for many computational methods for gas dynamicsGPL
DolfynApache 2

Electromagnetism and Optics
TessaThree-dimensional simulation software for optical systems, based on the FDTD method

LEOM laboratory, École centrale de Lyon

MeepFinite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software for electromagnetic systems

Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group

MIT Photonic BandsComputes the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic dielectric structures

Steven G. Johnson and the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group


Software for Phase Field simulations
FiPyPython-based finite volume partial differential equation solver libraryNIST CTCMSPublic domain

Parallel finite difference PDE solver written in C and based on PETSc

Adam Powellet al.


Boundary Element Method (BEM)
JulianBoundary element code for Laplace equation and linear elastic mechanics

Adam Powell and Yi-Cheung Lok


Pre- and post-processing frameworks and tools

Ocr hp envy 4520. Salomé ([profiles/Salome.html profile])

Graphical framework for FEA pre- and post-processing with some CAD capabilities, links well with Code-AsterSeveralLGPL

Gmsh ([profiles/Gmsh.html profile])

Graphical FEA CAD tool, mesher, post-processor

Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-Francois Remacle


OpenCASCADE ([profiles/OpenCASCADE.html profile])

High-level CAD library

OCTPL (Discussion) Control key symbol.

NETGENAutomatic 2-D or 3-D mesh generatorLGPL
MeshLabSystem for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes

Paolo Cignoniet al.

ParaviewParallel visualization application

Kitwareet al.

FSLViewVisualization tool for volume data geared toward medical MRIGPL
IlluminatorParallel visualization library for structured grid data sets

Adam Powellet al.

MayaVi and Mayavi2Data visualization tools based on VTKBSD
VisItParallel visualization tool

WCI (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories)


Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

BRL-CADMature Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) CAD system used by all three major branches of the US militaryU.S. Army Basic Research LaboratoriesGPL
VARKONHigh-level CAD systemÖrebro university Department of Technology CAD groupLGPL
QCad2-D general CAD system using the Qt widget toolkitGPL
Sweet Home 3DInterior design CAD softwareGPL
CADOO.oCAD-like extensions for Draw
FreeCADAlpha-stage general purpose 3-D parametric CAD modeler which is aiming for the feature set of Catia V4 and V5

Jürgen Riegel and Werner Mayer

PythonCAD2-D general CAD system written in PythonGPL
Fandango3-D python scripting CAD engineGPL
SagCADSagiya Metal Mold Factory, Inc.GPL
Sailcut CADFor designing and visualizing sailsGPL
kicadElectronic printed circuit board (PCB) design and layout suite

Jean-Pierre Charras, Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux

gEDAElectronic design automation (EDA) toolsGPL

Multi-body dynamics
MBDynCommand-line multi-body dynamics softwareGPL
ORSAOrbit Reconstruction, Simulation and AnalysisPasquale TricaricoGPL

Data Analysis


Gpiv ([profiles/Gpiv.html profile])

Gerber van der GraafGPL

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)

abinitDensity Functional Theory (DFT) for molecules and crystals, including geometry optimization

Xavier Gonze, UCLPCPM (Belgium)

LAMMPSParallel molecular dynamics code

Steve Plimpton, Paul Crozier and Aidan Thompson at Sandia National Laboratories

  • Open Source Engineering Tools on DevelopSpace
  • iMechanicadiscussion and list of finite element software
  • Open Source Chemical Engineering Software Forum
  • FreeByte Mechanical Engineering software list includes CAD, CAD/CAM, finite element, dynamics, etc.
  • Open Source on iCivilEngineer
  • Scientific Applications on Linux (SAL) lists a large number of tools in various categories
  • The Open Channel Foundation is a clearing house for software originating from academic and research institutions
  • is a directory of free CAD, CAM, CAE programs
  • DevelopSpace Open Source Engineering Tools list
  • Software Carpentry site with free educational tools for scientists and engineers on effective use of computation
  • Slashdot discussion on open source engineering tools (2005) This discussion dwelt on why open source doesn't have a more prominent presence in the engineering software world, and included links to some of the tools listed below

See the site, maker of the Open Source Velomobile called Atomic Duck


'The Agua Clara team is committed to creating open source design tools that will make it possible for engineers in the Global South to build municipal scale drinking water treatment plants. This engineering design service is available on our website. We are committed to providing this design service free of charge. It is our hope that Implementation Partners will be able to use our Design service to leverage increased funding for improving drinking water infrastructure in the Global South.'( 'is an open source engineering portal, your one-stop shop for news, links (below), other resources, and profiles of open source engineering software. It also hosts package repositories for running some software on Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' and Debian 5.0 'Lenny'.'

See also the site [1], maker of the Open Source Velomobile called Atomic Duck

Engineering-focused Linux distributions

  • CAELinux live DVD based on PCLinuxOS, see [profiles/CAELinux.html profile] for details
  • DebianScience 'pure blend' of Debian GNU/Linux focuses on packaging useful scientific software for Debian
  • Scibuntu is a set of scripts for adding scientific software to an Ubuntu workstation
  • Scubuntu is a project of the Meraka Institute of South Africa, its goal is to provide support for scientific computation on the Ubuntu platform 'in a naturally embedded manner'

Cod 4 picture.

Partial Differential Equation (PDE) Solvers

General Finite Element Analysis (FEA)


Code-Aster ([profiles/aster.html profile])

Structural and thermomechanical software (en français)Electricité de FranceGPL

Elmer ([profiles/Elmer.html profile])

FEA Software for Multiphysics ProblemsGPL
CalculiXThree-Dimensional Structural Finite Element ProgramGPL

Finite element software family, including FFW (FreeFEM on the Web)

ImpactExplicit dynamic finite element programSeveralGPL

deal.II ([profiles/deal.II.html profile])

C++ library for solving PDEs using adaptive FEA
NGSolveGeneral purpose heat, magnetic and elasticity 3-D solverLGPL
XmdSExtensible multi-dimensional simulatorGPL
GetDPGeneralized environment for treatment of discrete problemsGPL
TOCHNOGFree finite element programDennis RoddemanGPL
FEniCSAutomated ODE/PDE solverFEniCS groupGPL+LGPL
DOLFINC++/Python interface to FEniCSFEniCS groupGPL

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
OpenFOAMGeneral CFD toolbox with pre-processorGPL
OpenFlowerCFD solver focused on turbulent unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equationsGPL
GerrisVariable density incompressible Navier-Stokes, Stokes or Euler solver with adaptive mesh refinementNew Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric ResearchGPL
Code_SaturneGeneral purpose CFD softwareElectricité de FranceGPL

libMesh ([profiles/libMesh.html profile])

C++ FEA library with adaptive mesh refinement based on PETSc

University of Texas at Austin CFDLab

DUNSDiagonalized Upwind Navier Stokes CodePennsylvania State UniversityGPL
SLFCFDSan Le's Free Computational Fluid DynamicsGPL

General multi-physics FEM package based on PETSc

TYPHONDevelopment platform for many computational methods for gas dynamicsGPL
DolfynApache 2

Electromagnetism and Optics
TessaThree-dimensional simulation software for optical systems, based on the FDTD method

LEOM laboratory, École centrale de Lyon

MeepFinite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software for electromagnetic systems

Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group

MIT Photonic BandsComputes the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic dielectric structures

Steven G. Johnson and the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group


Software for Phase Field simulations
FiPyPython-based finite volume partial differential equation solver libraryNIST CTCMSPublic domain

Parallel finite difference PDE solver written in C and based on PETSc

Adam Powellet al.


Boundary Element Method (BEM)
JulianBoundary element code for Laplace equation and linear elastic mechanics

Adam Powell and Yi-Cheung Lok


Pre- and post-processing frameworks and tools

Ocr hp envy 4520. Salomé ([profiles/Salome.html profile])

Graphical framework for FEA pre- and post-processing with some CAD capabilities, links well with Code-AsterSeveralLGPL

Gmsh ([profiles/Gmsh.html profile])

Graphical FEA CAD tool, mesher, post-processor

Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-Francois Remacle


OpenCASCADE ([profiles/OpenCASCADE.html profile])

High-level CAD library

OCTPL (Discussion) Control key symbol.

NETGENAutomatic 2-D or 3-D mesh generatorLGPL
MeshLabSystem for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes

Paolo Cignoniet al.

ParaviewParallel visualization application

Kitwareet al.

FSLViewVisualization tool for volume data geared toward medical MRIGPL
IlluminatorParallel visualization library for structured grid data sets

Adam Powellet al.

MayaVi and Mayavi2Data visualization tools based on VTKBSD
VisItParallel visualization tool

WCI (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories)


Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

BRL-CADMature Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) CAD system used by all three major branches of the US militaryU.S. Army Basic Research LaboratoriesGPL
VARKONHigh-level CAD systemÖrebro university Department of Technology CAD groupLGPL
QCad2-D general CAD system using the Qt widget toolkitGPL
Sweet Home 3DInterior design CAD softwareGPL
CADOO.oCAD-like extensions for Draw
FreeCADAlpha-stage general purpose 3-D parametric CAD modeler which is aiming for the feature set of Catia V4 and V5

Jürgen Riegel and Werner Mayer

PythonCAD2-D general CAD system written in PythonGPL
Fandango3-D python scripting CAD engineGPL
SagCADSagiya Metal Mold Factory, Inc.GPL
Sailcut CADFor designing and visualizing sailsGPL
kicadElectronic printed circuit board (PCB) design and layout suite

Jean-Pierre Charras, Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux

gEDAElectronic design automation (EDA) toolsGPL

Multi-body dynamics
MBDynCommand-line multi-body dynamics softwareGPL
ORSAOrbit Reconstruction, Simulation and AnalysisPasquale TricaricoGPL

Data Analysis


Gpiv ([profiles/Gpiv.html profile])

Gerber van der GraafGPL

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)

abinitDensity Functional Theory (DFT) for molecules and crystals, including geometry optimization

Xavier Gonze, UCLPCPM (Belgium)

LAMMPSParallel molecular dynamics code

Steve Plimpton, Paul Crozier and Aidan Thompson at Sandia National Laboratories

  • Open Source Engineering Tools on DevelopSpace
  • iMechanicadiscussion and list of finite element software
  • Open Source Chemical Engineering Software Forum
  • FreeByte Mechanical Engineering software list includes CAD, CAD/CAM, finite element, dynamics, etc.
  • Open Source on iCivilEngineer
  • Scientific Applications on Linux (SAL) lists a large number of tools in various categories
  • The Open Channel Foundation is a clearing house for software originating from academic and research institutions
  • is a directory of free CAD, CAM, CAE programs
  • DevelopSpace Open Source Engineering Tools list
  • Software Carpentry site with free educational tools for scientists and engineers on effective use of computation
  • Slashdot discussion on open source engineering tools (2005) This discussion dwelt on why open source doesn't have a more prominent presence in the engineering software world, and included links to some of the tools listed below

See the site, maker of the Open Source Velomobile called Atomic Duck

Retrieved from ''

Open Source Mechanical Projects Technology

Hello Mr. Diaz, here are some questions I hope to ask you about your ventilator:
- What did your design process look like, from the beginning to the creation of this model?
- Could you give a more in-depth explanation about how the mathematics behind the motion of the asymmetrical curved rod?
- Could you give a more in-depth explanation about how the mechanics of your ventilator work?
- Could more of the parts of this ventilator have been printed instead?
- How long did it take you to design all of the parts in Tinkercad?
- How did you come up with this idea?
- Could a similar ventilator be designed without the programming aspect?
- What was the most difficult part of the creation process?
- What, if anything, did you learn during creation of this model?
Thank you so much for your interest and availability!

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